Solar women: Keys to the business future


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 I 10:00am CST I 6:00pm CET I Language: Spanish

This webinar will present success stories of women leaders and strategies to incorporate equality practices in companies. This event is a unique opportunity to learn, be inspired and connect with other women who are passionate about a sustainable future with substantive equality. The current outlook and future opportunities in the solar energy sector will also be discussed.

The recording and the speakers' presentations are available here on our digital content platform The smarter E Digital.

Our Guests

Aideé Zamora,

Aideé is General Coordinator of the Network of Women in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REDMEREE), a member of the WeAmericas Network of Entrepreneurs, the National Solar Energy Association (ANES), the Council of Professionals in Photovoltaic Energy (CPEF) and former intern of the program of International Visiting Leaders (IVLP) of the United States Department of State. She is founder and director of AMERALI. She has led the design and implementation of high-impact solar strategies and projects to save electricity and gas in companies and homes. She has trained more than 400 people in sales, energy and leadership in LATAM. In 2022, she was named one of the 100 leaders in the energy sector by Petróleo & Energía magazine and in 2023 as one of the 100 women leaders in energy. She is a renewable energy engineer from the IER UNAM. Her purpose is to help build a sustainable and just world.

Alejandra Campos,

Alejandra Campos is an internationalist from Tecnológico de Monterrey and Deputy General Coordinator of the Women in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Network (REDMEREE), where she also served as International Relations Coordinator where, through strategic alliances with various partners in the sector, she designed initiatives to promote the professional career of women in energy and opening spaces to encourage their participation.

Throughout her professional career she has worked as a consultant in International Development Cooperation, in organizations such as GIZ México, DAI-British Embassy in Mexico and the World Bank. In renewable energy projects, sustainable housing and urban development and sustainable finance; always with a focus on gender, inclusion and empowerment of women. He has collaborated in different triangular cooperation projects with Latin American countries such as Argentina, Colombia, and Argentina. Likewise, she has designed and implemented gender-sensitive projects and to promote the empowerment of young women in the sector. Likewise, she has participated in forums in Mexico, Germany, Brazil and Colombia on the role of women as agents of change to create a greener and more sustainable energy model. She has also accompanied and advised the creation of women's networks in the region.


Marisol Oropeza,
Consultant at matters, founder of Heat Changers, Marketing & PR Intersolar Mexico

Business and marketing strategist specialized in the solar thermal market at matters , based in Berlin. She holds a Degree in Business Administration from the UNAM and a Master in European Studies from the Hochschule Bremen in Germany. She completed an exchange semester at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, studied International Cooperation for Sustainable Development at the Technische Universtität Kaiserslautern, and is a graduate of the altMBA programme on leadership and business management of the American Seth Godin. She has worked in the public and private sectors in Mexico and Germany and has 15 years of experience in the solar thermal sector. She has advised major European companies and organizations and lead international projects such as the Heat Changers and the Solar Heating Initiative. She is Secretary for International Affairs of the ANES and works for Intersolar Mexico since 2019.


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