How Viable are the New PV Applications in Mexico?

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Centro Citibanamex
Sala D - Piso de Exposición

Models such as energy communities for PV generation, agrivoltaics and floating PV are some of the new applications that are quickly developing in many parts of the world. Its implementation in Mexico is in an early stage, though. In this session, some initiatives and projects will be presented in order to discuss the factors that influence their technical and commercial viability in the country.

04:00 pm - 04:15 pmEnergy Communities: Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities

Alfonso Hernández

Regulation specialist

Enlight Mexico

04:15 pm - 04:30 pmAgrivoltaics: Photovoltaics serving a sustainable and resilient development

Valeria Amezcua

Consultant on circular economy and resource efficiency strategies

Red Agrovoltaica Mexicana

04:30 pm - 04:45 pmThe First Floating PV Plant in Mexico and Latin America

Speaker to be confirmed

04:45 pm - 05:00 pmDiscussion & Q&A

Isabel Bazán

Employability Coordinator


Isabel Bazán, REDMEREE

Employability Coordinator


Outstanding Master in Energy Sustainability, graduated from the Center for Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (CIICAp) of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. With a solid professional career, he has left a significant mark in the energy sector. For 9 years, she worked as a Researcher at the National Institute of Electricity and Clean Energy (INEEL), leading important projects, including contracts with PEMEX Exploration and Production. She has worked at companies such as Elirmex and Terra Energy, where she held leadership roles in engineering and project management. Currently, at Bright, she works as Technical Support Leader, standing out for her role as Manager of Photovoltaic Installations and Quality Manager for photovoltaic systems. She is an active figure in research networks such as Red Solar, Red SUMAS, Red MEREE, MERL and RMEM. Mentor in the Women Leaders in STEAM program. Additionally, professor in the senior management diploma for women in the energy industry.

Valeria Amezcua, Red Agrovoltaica Mexicana

Consultant on circular economy and resource efficiency strategies


Chemical Engineer with a Master's in Energy and Sustainability. 9 years of experience in energy decarbonization and democratization. Chairs the Mexican Agrovoltaic Network and develops decarbonization strategies at VIA Climate Solutions.

Alfonso Hernández, Enlight Mexico

Regulation specialist


Prominent lawyer specialized in energy regulation with a solid track record in both Mexico and Latin America. He has played key roles in various areas of the energy sector. He has multiple diplomas in regulation and regulatory improvement, as well as a Master's Degree in Business Law from the Universidad Panamericana. His experience expanded in the public sector as an Advisor at the Energy Regulatory Commission, addressing regulatory and transparency issues. In the private sector, he worked for Acciona Energía and Invex Infraestructura (Ammper Energía), managing energy sales contracts, clean energy certificates and other related services. At Saavi Energía and Typhoon Offshore, he contributed to the development of key legal strategies and coordinated legal matters in the oil and gas space.

Further Content
Press Release
Intersolar Mexico, The GREEN Expo® and Aquatech Mexico, the main platform for renewable energy, water and clean technologies, will be held from 3 to 5 september 2024 at Centro Citibanamex.

September 3, 2024

The 5th edition of Intersolar Mexico, the 31st edition of THE GREEN EXPO® and the 8th edition of Aquatech Mexico, to be held simultaneously from 3 to 5 September 2024, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City, begin today.

Press Release
Officially presented the fifth edition of Intersolar Mexico, to be held from September 3 to 5, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City.

August 23, 2024

Intersolar Mexico, the pioneering event in the solar industry, will be held for the fifth time from September 3-5, 2024 at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City. Focused on photovoltaic, solar thermal and electrical energy storage technologies, Intersolar Mexico has established itself as the leading platform for technology trends and B2B networking in the Mexican solar market.

Press Release
First day of Intersolar Mexico brings together leading experts at its international conference and exhibits solutions on the show floor for the photovoltaic, solar thermal and energy storage industries.

September 4, 2024

The 5th edition of Intersolar Mexico, the 31st edition of THE GREEN EXPO® and the 8th edition of Aquatech Mexico successfully commenced. These co-located events will run until September 5, 2024, at Centro Citibanamex in Mexico City.

Press Release
Intersolar Mexico presents the program of its international conference to analyze and discuss the challenges of the solar industry towards 2030.

August 19, 2024

The International Conference of the fifth edition of Intersolar Mexico, will be held on September 3 and 4, 2024, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City with the participation of specialists from the energy industry, the most important markets and supply chains in the world, focused on the areas of photovoltaic, energy storage and solar thermal energy.

Whitepaper: Energy Storage in Mexico


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